Pompes Funèbres Maximoises

Various services / Funeral parlour

Created in 2010, the company Les Pompes Funèbres Maximoises is specialized in the field of funeral organization in Sainte-Maxime.
You have a group of skilled specialists at your disposal to support you as you navigate the challenging moments in your life.

a warm, individualized greeting, assistance with all of your formalities, support, and guidance. international repatriation and planning of funerals for all faiths.

Selling funeral supplies such vases, planters, fake flowers, crosses, plates, and other items.

Pompes Funèbres Maximoises
53 avenue Jean Jaurès
Casa del Mar
Tel. 08 00 18 17 00

Opening From 01/01 to 31/12/2024
on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 9 am and 12 pm and between 2 pm and 6 pm. On Friday between 9 am and 12 pm and between 2 pm and 5.30 pm.
Payment method Cash - Check

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