Yoga Soleil - Mireille Lapeze

( Fitness - Yoga )

" It's not the person who has to adapt to yoga, but yoga that has to suit the person" T.K.V. Desikachar.

Certified yoga teacher, graduate of the F.N.E.Y. (Fédération Nationale des Enseignants de Yoga) approved by the U.E.Y. (Union Européenne de Yoga) and recognized Y.S. (Fédération Yoga Suisse) teacher approved by the U.E.Y. Certified teacher in the "Sport and Maternity - pre and post natal", "Abdology and Spine", "Yoga without Damage" and "Senior Yoga" courses at the Institut Dr Bernadette de Gasquet-Paris.

RYT200 (Yoga Teacher Training of Raja/Ashtanga Pushkar Meditation Temple/Rajasthan-India).
Module 1 of Yin Yoga with Cécile Roubaud / Post Formation (YACEP) / YOGA ALLIANCE

Heart Coherence Practitioner, Dr David O'Hare training.
Trained in Mindfulness Meditation by Jean-Michel DANCE / MBSR teaching Jon KABAT ZINN


- FACEBOOK : Mireille Lapeze Prohom (Yoga Soleil)
- INSTAGRAM : yogasoleil_sainttropez

Yoga studio CENTRE INFINI at 226 Route du Plan de la Tour in Sainte Maxime
- TUESDAY from 2.15pm to 3.30pm
- THURSDAY from 5.45pm to 7pm
- THURSDAY from 7.30 pm to 8.45 pm

Yoga Soleil - Mireille Lapeze
226 route du Plan de la Tour
Studio de Yoga CENTRE INFINI Ste Maxime et au Centre de Sport GYM ADDICT Cogolin
83120 Sainte-Maxime
Tel. 06 11 52 64 66
Opening From 01/01 to 31/12/2024
Opening hours on Tuesday between 2.15 pm and 3.30 pm. On Wednesday between 8 am and 9 am and between 7.30 pm and 8.45 pm. On Thursday between 8.30 am and 9.45 am and between 5.45 pm and 7 pm and between 7.30 pm and 8.45 pm.
Payment method Cash - Check
  • English
  • French

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