Sainte-Maxime and sustainable development

Eager to guarantee exceptional services, the town of Sainte-Maxime is committed to a quality and environmental approach, in order to maintain its potential and its tourist attractiveness for sustainable tourism.

Sainte-Maxime takes part of the annual contest « Flowery Towns & Villages : Villes et villages fleuris ». With three flowers, the town is flowery all year round, has landscaping of green spaces and an improvement of the environment and its living. Thus, it creates a space well-disposed to the quality of the welcome and to the tourists stay. The actions undertaken involve the quality of the soil, a rational consumption of the water resources, the reduction of pesticides, the recycling of green waste or a sensible consumption of energy and hydrocarbons.
The constant awareness for pretecting the environment and a sensible development for the town of Sainte-Maxime, is awarded since 1987 with the famous European label « European Blue Flag : Pavillon Bleu ». This label recognises bathing water quality and environmental performance.
With the worry for modernisation and the valorisation of its port, the town of Sainte-Maxime takes part of an approach for environmental management to obtain the label "Clean Port".

The Tourist Office, our commitments and our ethics

The Tourist Office is committed in a voluntary approach to raising awareness of sustainable development. This approach is integrated in the introduction of our means of communication.

The editions of the Tourist Office are printed according to environmental standards:

  selection of our printers to use brand owners Imprim’Vert whose goal is to reduce the environmental impact of printing activities and the ISO 14001 standard that defines the requirements for an environmental management system,
  the paper used is a type of paper PEFC™, from sustainably handled forests and controlled sources or 100% recycled paper,
  the inks used are certified of plant origin.

In addition, the Tourist Office ensures a relevant management of stocks of documentation and prepares an annual balance of stocks elapsed to measure the quantity N + 1 and the rate of waste.

We encourage our visitors to download or consult the editions from the official Tourist Office website.

For its website, the Tourist Office works with a host engaged in a process of reducing electricity consumption by the development of cooling systems and the complete removal of air conditioning.

To make its visitors aware of the protection of the environment, the Tourist Office organises a partnership with a naturalist guide and a shepherd nature walks throughout the year. These nature walks are an opportunity to learn more about the natural environment of Sainte-Maxime and are open to all public.

While on holidays, respect the environment!

The Tourist Office in Sainte-Maxime encourages visitors to preserve the environment.

Use public transport systems: Sainte-Maxime has the network Simplicité. This bus offers a real answer for your travels in an economical, fast and ecological way. For 1 € per day, travel freely through Sainte-Maxime.

You rather walk or bike, borrow the numerous cycling paths in the town. An excellent way to reduce CO2 emissions and enjoy landscapes!

Modérez votre consommation d’eau et d’électricité pendant votre séjour.

Participez à la protection de l’environnement. Pensez à jeter vos déchets dans les poubelles en ville ou sur la plage. Durant la saison estivale, la ville de Sainte-Maxime distribue gratuitement aux fumeurs des cendriers de plage. A cette occasion, une sensibilisation sur la pollution générée par les mégots est entreprise. Le port de Sainte-Maxime s’est également équipé d’une poubelle de mer à l’attention des plaisanciers.

Pensez au tri sélectif pour vos déchets. Des bacs et des containers sont mis à disposition pour le papier, les métaux, le verre, les cartonnettes, et le plastique. Un guide sur le tri sélectif à Sainte-Maxime est disponible à l’Hôtel de Ville.

Des canisettes et des distributeurs de sacs installés en centre-ville sont mis à disposition des maîtres de nos amis à quatre pattes pour ramasser leurs déjections.